“Together we turn trash into rupiah, turn problems into blessings”

Generation of Prosperous Stars Foundation and Prosperous Stars Company (Eco Green Nusantara, Ltd.)

Who We Are

About Our Company

Bintang Sejahtera is a social enterprise which adopts waste bank model that has been promoted by Indonesian Government since 2008 as one initiative to solve waste problem in grass-root level. Our vision is “Waste is valuable resources for all”. We aim at creating impacts on public awareness, community empowerment, environment protection and economic development. Our social business model encourages local society to manage waste in responsible ways and benefit from
circular economy. For our social business implementation, we are operating under two legal entities, Generasi Bintang Sejahtera Foundation and Bintang Sejahtera Company (Eco Green Nusantara, Ltd.)

Under Generasi Bintang Sejahtera Foundation, we launched a program called Bank Sampah Bintang Sejahtera NTB (Waste Bank) to provide education on Waste Management for local communities, schools and villages. The education include Socialization/Awareness Building Seminars, Trainings, Workshops and Business Coaching hence the target groups can take initiative to establish waste bank units in their respective community. Today, there are 275 community-based waste banks all over West Nusa Tenggara Province which have been trained and operating under our business coaching and network. For each waste bank development, we
conduct assessments and capacity building, provide technical and financial assistance such as equipments, management tools, seed grants up to 10 million rupiah per waste bank, and deliver monitoring and evaluation to assure the sustainability of waste bank operation.

Bank Sampah Bintang Sejahtera has become a leading waste bank in NTB which always encourage the management team to create innovations for better waste management services. From 2019 we have initiated an online services as to maintain our waste banks data collection through SAMPUN Apps collaborating with Lumbung Inovasi Company. We also offer internship programs for everyone who wants to come and learn waste management directly to our facilities. Over the past 5 years, various communities, students, and education institutions from all over Indonesia have come to our office and facilities for conducting internship and research. To strengthen our approach and expand our social impacts, we closely cooperate with government offices and stakeholders in handling waste problem which is aligned with poverty reduction program and Zero Waste Goal 2023 in NTB.

Bintang Sejahtera, through its business entity, has recycled over 50 tons waste per month. We generate revenue from recycling recyclable waste collected from community-based waste banks, schools and private businesses (i.e. restaurants, offices, hotels) through five steps; collecting, segregating, shredding, balling and packaging. The raw products are sold to manufacture and recycle companies in Indonesia. We reinvest about 50% of our profit to assist and support Waste Bank development in our society. Bintang Sejahtera Company has created more than 100 job opportunities (full time, part time and volunteering jobs) as well as provided additional income for local people. Our business approach is one of the key success to ensure the sustainability of community-based waste management in West Nusa Tenggara Province. We very much believe that together we can protect our environment, as the best legacy for
our next generation.